Digital health solutions for pharma

Enhance patient experience and provide more value with a digital patient support solution

Put patients at the heart of your digital health solution to help hit your goals.

Choose a faster solution

Building a new digital health solution doesn’t have to be a slow, difficult process. We can work with you to get set up in less than three months. Your solution will be globally scalable, easy to roll out, and designed to generate rich data.

Flexible, scalable, and compliant, we’ll work to find the best option for you in the long term.

Our solutions can help:

Treat health conditions

Improve patient experience of care

Diagnose early

Increase your value to patients and improve treatment efficacy

Improve healthcare delivery


How we’ll deliver the results you need

Working collaboratively, we’ll start by looking at defined outcomes to ensure the whole project is geared to work towards them. Then, we will follow our tried-and-tested process to create the best possible solution for you.

Step 01 - Research

Researching and conceptualising, we will present a series of options that improve the quality of life and treatment outcomes for your patients, while staying in line with your strategic drivers.

Step 02 - Design

Using our deep knowledge of healthcare, behavioural science and technology, we will design your solutions to fit user needs and give them the best possible experience.

Step 03 - Set-up and deploy

Our rigorous testing system means we can set-up and deploy your solution in record time. With behavioural science baked in, your new solution will encourage users to change their behaviours.

Read about HealthMachine™
Read about HealthMachine™
Step 04 - Validate

We’ll work with users and clinicians to validate the solution to ensure it hits its objectives, improves quality of life, and reduces costs.

Step 05 - Maintain

Once your solution is live, we’ll still be by your side. We will host, support, maintain, and improve. Using data collected by the system, we will continue to iterate.


Want to treat a specific condition, encourage uptake among patients, or have another challenge? 

Speak to Jamie, our Pharma SME, to discover how we can help you.


Transforming Healthcare
With Digital Solutions

Our products are used by healthcare providers
and leading pharmaceutical companies to improve
patient management