Digital health solutions for innovators

Bring to market an evidence-based, impactful intervention

Pilot your ideas quickly and effectively, finding opportunities to improve patient care with help from our experienced team.

Choose a faster solution

Building a new digital health solution doesn’t have to be a slow, difficult, or expensive process. We’ll work with you to build a high quality solution that suits your needs and generates valuable date in less than three months.

Using our commercial experience, we’ll work with you to create a flexible, scalable solution that is sustainable.

Our digital health solutions can help:

Improve patient care and outcomes

Increase healthcare service efficiencies 

Collect relevant data, providing valuable insights

Reduce care costs

Improve the efficacy of treatment and patient outcomes


How we’ll deliver the results you need

Working collaboratively, we will first define key outcomes to ensure your digital health solution is aligned to your strategy generates the necessary data to support the project’s aims. .

Step 01 - research

Researching and conceptualising, we will present a series of options that improve the quality of life and treatment outcomes for your patients, which also align with wider stakeholder needs.

Step 02 - design

Using our deep knowledge of healthcare, behavioural science and technology, we will design your solutions to address users’ needs and give them the best possible experience.

Step 03 - set-up and deploy

Our rigorous testing system means we can set-up and deploy your solution in record time. With behavioural science your solution will encourage users to engage and change their behaviours.

Read about HealthMachine™
Read about HealthMachine™
Step 04 - validate

We’ll work with users and clinicians to validate the solution. This ensures it hits its objectives and addresses key outcomes such as improving quality of life and patient care.

Step 05 - maintain

Once your solution is live, we’ll still be by your side. We will host, support, maintain, and iterate. Using data collected by the digital health solution, we will continue to improve the product with you.


Want us to help you quickly build an MVP and validate its outcome?

Speak to Katrin, our Innovators SME, to discover how we can help you.


Transforming Healthcare
With Digital Solutions

Our products are used by healthcare providers
and leading pharmaceutical companies to improve
patient management